Adoptions With Love Blog

Closed Adoption Pros and Cons

When you choose to make an adoption plan, you are thinking about what is best for your child. It is never an easy decision, but it is a positive one that comes from a place of love. If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy, you may be thinking about adoption. While open adoption and semi-open adoptions are common, they are not the only choice. Closed adoption is an additional possibility to consider.

If you are thinking about making a closed adoption plan, read on. In this short guide, we will explore the closed adoption pros and cons to weigh before making your decision.

Pros of Closed Adoption

1. Privacy.

Many expectant/birth mothers who choose closed adoption want privacy. With a closed adoption, there is no communication between birth and adoptive families. This can be seen as a positive if privacy is important to you. Whether you were in an abusive or toxic relationship with the child’s birth father, or you simply do not want to maintain contact with your child’s adoptive family, a closed adoption can offer you protection from information being shared.

2. A Fresh Start.

Some birth mothers wish to have a clean break once the adoption is finalized. If you are feeling like you want to press the “restart” button on life, a closed adoption may be right for you.

Along with that fresh start, many birth mothers who choose closed adoption feel they can move forward and focus on themselves for a change. With any type of adoption, birth mothers have the freedom to work on their own personal and professional goals. A closed adoption may give you the opportunity to focus on these goals, without the distraction of an ongoing (and new) relationship with your child’s adoptive family.

3. Future Possibilities.

A closed adoption can offer the privacy and clean start that you are craving, but it can also be changed in the future. At Adoptions With Love, for example, photos and letters are kept on file in case a birth mother changes her mind about the closed adoption. If, years later, you decide that you would like to open the adoption, that may be arranged. Knowing there is a possibility of an open relationship brings peace of mind to many expectant/birth mothers making their adoption plans.

Cons of Closed Adoption

1. No Contact.

While this may be a positive for some, others may consider no communication between birth and adoptive families to be a negative. With open adoption, there is ongoing communication between both parties, and the form and frequency are determined by the birth parent. This continued contact gives many birth parents peace of mind, knowing they can check in to see how their child is doing. With a closed adoption, there are no texts, calls, or emails between birth and adoptive parents.

2. No Relationship.

Since there is no communication, a closed adoption also means that no relationship is being formed. Many birth parents like the idea of having a relationship with their child’s adoptive parents. They also like the idea of a future relationship with their child, as well. These relationships may be built over time with an open adoption, but not with closed adoptions.

If you like the idea of a closed adoption, but you also want to see your child grow, a semi-open adoption may be the right fit for you. With a semi-open adoption, you may choose your child’s adoptive parents and then maintain ongoing contact with your adoption agency. Your adoption professional can send you photos and updates over the years if you wish.

Finding the Right Plan for You

There is no right or wrong way to make an adoption plan. Your adoption agency can work with you to determine the right type of adoption plan for you. They will listen to your concerns, wishes, and help you create a plan that will best meet your needs. Every adoption is unique, and yours can be custom designed to make you feel confident and comfortable with your decision.

Learn More About Adoption

As you consider your pregnancy options, take advantage of the free resources available to you, such as an experienced, trustworthy adoption agency. Adoptions With Love has been working with expectant/birth mothers since 1986. Our services are always completely free to expectant/birth mothers, and there is never any pressure or judgement. Reach out to us any time of day, any day of the week. Call us at 800-722-7731, text us (confidentially) at 617-777-0072, or contact us online for commitment-free information. We are here to help, and we can guide you through this journey every step of the way, giving you the respect and dignity you deserve.

Considering a closed adoption for your baby?

Contact Adoptions With Love to learn more.